Your car’s MOT is a vital annual check to ensure it remains roadworthy and secure. However, recent statistics have highlighted a troubling trend affecting all vehicles, regardless of type.

A report from the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) has revealed that tyres are the primary cause of MOT failures. Between 2015 and 2018, an astonishing 46% of MOT failures were due to tyre-related issues. That’s nearly half of all failed MOTs!

The IMI attributes this worrying figure to various factors. Firstly, the average weight of vehicles has been increasing over the years, placing greater strain on the tyres. This additional weight leads to faster wear and tear, elevating the risk of tyre-related problems.

But that’s not all. The report also highlights the growing torque in modern vehicles, causing tyres to wear out faster during sudden starts and heavy braking. This issue is not exclusive to electric vehicles; it affects all cars on the road.

And here’s the concerning part: the data reveals that newer vehicles, regardless of their fuel type, have a higher failure rate in MOTs compared to older models. In 2021, newer cars had an 11.39% failure rate, while older models stood at 10.74%. This indicates a worrying trend of declining roadworthiness among newer vehicles.

One possible reason for this rise in MOT failures is the scarcity of skilled technicians capable of repairing modern cars. With the increasing complexity of vehicles, fewer mechanics possess the required training to diagnose and resolve problems, including those related to tyres.

The IMI warns that this scarcity could worsen, estimating a potential shortfall of 16,000 qualified mechanics by 2032. If people fear that skilled technicians won’t be available to fix their cars, it could have severe consequences for road safety.

Now, this information isn’t meant to scare you, but it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks. Regular tyre maintenance and checks can significantly reduce the likelihood of failing your car’s MOT. Simple measures such as monitoring tyre pressure, tread depth, and signs of wear and tear can make a significant difference in ensuring your tyres remain safe and roadworthy.

As we head towards a future with more advanced vehicles, the need for skilled mechanics becomes increasingly critical. Manufacturers, policymakers, and individuals must invest in training programs and workshops to ensure we have enough experts to keep our roads safe.

So, whether you drive an electric vehicle or a petrol-powered one, never underestimate the importance of maintaining your car’s tyres. They are the only point of contact between your vehicle and the road, and their condition can be a matter of life and death.

The next time your car’s MOT is due, make sure to give your tyres the attention they deserve. And if you experience any issues with your tyres or any other part of your vehicle, don’t hesitate to seek out qualified mechanics to keep your car in top-notch condition. Safe driving starts with well-maintained tyres and a well-serviced vehicle!