The penalty for driving with tyres below the legal tread depth limit is a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points for each tyre that falls short of the required standards.

Unsafe and illegal tyres are routinely being sold across the UK, according to the shocking findings of an in-depth investigation.
The five-year study by Trading Standards and safety charity TyreSafe found that fewer than one in 10 dealers in part-worn tyres are operating completely within the law.
Of the 152 outlets visited during the investigation, no fewer than 139 were discovered to be selling unsafe and illegal tyres to unsuspecting motorists.

The findings raise the prospect that drivers are being put at “significant risk” of catastrophic tyre failure, according to the charity.

Tyres are a crucial component in car safety – particularly when it comes to ensuring effective braking and steering. But the investigators found all sorts of dangerous practices by dealers in part-worn tyres.

In some cases, dealers offered customers the wrong size of tyre, while in others they sold tyres with objects such as nails embedded in them.
The study also highlighted the case of a Hertfordshire dealer who was prosecuted and fined after he supplied a tyre with an unsafe patch-only repair.

The dealer now faces a prison sentence if he offends again.

If you are looking for a reputable tyre dealer then contact Segensworth Automobiles on 01489 662 000.

Driving on unroadworthy tyres isn’t just dangerous – it can lead to a five-figure fine if they don’t meet legal requirements.

Based on an original report published by the