Maintaining your car might seem like a minor inconvenience, but ignoring seemingly small defects can lead to serious consequences. In this educational blog post, we’ll explore the potential penalties and points on your licence for common issues such as worn tires, faulty light bulbs, and more. The good news is that with regular maintenance checks, you can prevent these problems and avoid hefty fines.

Worn Tires

Fine: £2,500 (per tire), potentially £10,000 in total

Penalty points: 3 (per tire), potentially 12 in total – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

The minimum tread depth for tires is 1.6mm according to the Highway Code. Regularly check your tire tread using the 20p test to avoid penalties. Replace worn tires promptly, and consider second-hand tires if they meet legal requirements.

Tire Inflation

Fine: £2,500 (per tire), potentially £10,000 in total

Penalty points: 3 (per tire), potentially 12 in total – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

Under or over-inflated tires can be dangerous. Ensure proper tire pressure for optimal responsiveness and grip. Use petrol station facilities to check and adjust your tire pressure according to your vehicle handbook.

Windscreen Wipers

Fine: £2,500

Penalty points: 3 – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

Maintain efficient windscreen wipers to avoid dangerous driving scenarios. Replace broken or blunt wipers promptly to prevent fines and penalty points.

Washer Fluid

Fine: £100

Penalty points: 3 points

Ensure your car always has washer fluid to maintain a clear view of the road. Top up the fluid levels using ready-mixed screen wash or follow packaging instructions for dilution.

Registration Plate

Fine: £1,000

Keep your number plate visible and clean to avoid a £1,000 fine. Replace a damaged or missing registration plate promptly.

Wing Mirrors

Fine: £2,500

Penalty points: 3 – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

Repair or replace broken wing mirrors promptly. Loose mirrors may be popped back into place, but substantial damage requires professional attention.

Windscreen Chips

Fine: £2,500

Penalty points: 3 – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

Act quickly to repair small chips using epoxy or acrylic adhesive. Larger damage may require a complete windscreen replacement.

Interior Cleanliness

Fine: £150

Maintain a clutter-free interior to avoid fines. Regularly clean your car’s interior to ensure a hazard-free driving environment.

Faulty Light Bulbs

Fine: £100

Penalty points: 3

Regularly check and replace faulty bulbs promptly to avoid fines and penalty points. Be aware of your lights’ working condition to ensure road safety.

Exhaust Emissions

Fine: £1,000

Monitor your car for signs of excessive emissions, unusual noise, or smoke. Seek professional assistance for issues like a faulty diesel particulate filter to avoid fines and MOT failures.

Clearing Snow or Mist

Fine: £2,500

Penalty points: 3 – 6-month disqualification for repeat offences within 3 years

Clear all snow and ice from your windows to ensure visibility. Avoid shortcuts like using hot water and prioritise proper demisting to prevent fines and penalty points.

Regular and simple maintenance checks can save you from the financial burden of fines and penalties. Prioritise the safety of yourself and others on the road by keeping your car in optimal condition.